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Educational Options For Ballet Dancers

Educational Options For Ballet Dancers  

From homeschooling to flexible tutoring support, families with student dancers around New York City often find they have to devise alternative educational programs in order to accommodate their children's artistic aspirations. In light of the experience of our tutors and test prep specialists as well as our expert homeschool coordinators, we consider the challenges to students balancing training-intensive performance lives with schoolwork.
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Short-Term Homeschooling

Short-Term Homeschooling  

Sometimes schooling plans can go awry: families move to New York City during the course of an on-going school year; students face extended time away as a result of illness, behavioral sanctions, or poor performance; sometimes even a combination of the two. Whatever the case, throughout the city, and especially in Brooklyn and Manhattan, we have seen an increase in recent years of families considering short-term homeschool as a option to bridge the gap. Here, our homeschooling specialists weigh in on the considerations and options families face.

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