Subject-Based Tutoring
We are fortunate to live in an age in which it is understood (by most) that everyone’s learning process is unique. Our subject tutors understand the strengths and weaknesses that each student brings to a session, and they go beyond simply teaching content. Emphasis is placed on having students learn how to master the material, enabling them to operate successfully on an independent basis and transfer their knowledge to new situations.
We have successfully tutored students of all ages in the following common subject areas:
Math (Arithmetic to Calculus)
Science (Earth, Biology/Living Environment, Chemistry, Physics)
Foreign Languages (Spanish, French, Latin, Chinese, Hebrew, German, etc)
English (Reading, Composition, Literature)
History and Social Studies (Geography, Global, U.S, African, Asian)
Music (Guitar, Piano, Violin)
This is by no means an exhaustive listing. The diversity of our tutors affords us the ability to fulfill uncommon requests. We have provided instruction in everything from Bar Mitzvah preparation to lacrosse to etiquette.
Many of our subject tutors also combine executive functioning and study skills in their lesson plans. We also work with learning specialists who use a variety of approaches to meet the unique needs of every family and every child. They can create their own curricula or help achieve specific goals outlined in a diagnostic report. If parents have undeciphered new concerns we can help them evaluate their options and refer them to experts who can diagnose and evaluate.
Please call us to discuss your unique tutoring needs at (212) 928-5016, or email us.
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