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Timeline for SAT Preparation

Timeline for SAT Preparation  

In college admissions, as with much in life, long-term planning is key. As a rule, we don't encourage obsessive resume-building for resume-building's sake, but we do advise our NYC clients to think ahead as much as possible, especially for something as uniquely vexing as the SAT. SAT prep is a thing unto itself because the SAT tests isn't a test about content or intellect, it's a test about how well one takes the SAT. So, we've put together the following timeline in order to help students think through how they can go about learning the test.
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Tutoring Tips

Tutoring Tips  

Ideally, tutors are self-defeating: we think our tutors are so good they should eventually make themselves redundant. That's because the theory we maintain about tutoring is that at its best it doesn't impart content so much as teach learning. That makes the following post about how we think about tutoring something like a mission statement.
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5 Things You Can Do . . . To Stay Academically Fit

5 Things You Can Do . . . To Stay Academically Fit  

Amid all the distractions and pressures of education in NYC, students and parents can benefit enormously by developing good habits and keeping in academic "fighting trim." Our expert tutors have helped us compile the following strategies for sustainable educational success. This is parenting and learning advice that can help every family work together to maximize their achievement.
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Standardized Test Prep

Standardized Test Prep  

Preparation for the life-long litany of standardized entrance exams (ISEE, SSAT, SHSAT, ACT, SAT, GRE, GMAT, MCAT, LSAT, etc.) is an art unto itself. We consulted our expert tutors and our own experience coaching students all around NYC in order to compile this overview. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is simply to know where to start thinking about the process.
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