Getting Enough Sleep

Now that the new school year has settled into place, we want to remind your entire family about a crucial component of success. As your children sort through the details that will support their survival through this year (Where's my locker, again? Are white shoes totally out this year?), don't forget to give time and attention to getting enough sleep. You've got to relax; this early in the school year there are comparatively few responsibilities.

In times of stress, we tend to stay up later to "get things done," we sleep fitfully when we do get to bed, and then we wake up prematurely with that cool burning sense of worry over getting things handled. It may feel restful to spend time in the simulated unconsciousness of chatting online or staring at the television until the wee hours, but maximizing your actual sleep hours is critical. It seems a small thing, but inadequate sleep only adds to one's level of anxiety and diminishes performance across the board. Especially with a book-bag full of new syllabi weighing heavily on their shoulders, students need extra rest to handle the stress and stay well both physically and academically.

So, get to bed!

Tags: Sleep/Bedtime, Student Survival, Study Skills, Tweens
Related Articles: Dreams Unrealized: Teen Sleep & School Start Times

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